OhioNet launches new branding and plans for website update
Over the last year, OhioNet’s team took the opportunity to update our brand identity to better reflect who we are as an organization that serves the Ohio library community. We have has also been working on revamping the OhioNet website, which will launch later this year. “We are really excited to share our new look with our members. The updated brand is more attuned to who we are now, and who we want to be in the future. And the website redesign not only looks good but, when launched, will also make it easier for members to find the information they’re seeking and stay connected with OhioNet and its member libraries,” says Nancy Kirkpatrick, OhioNet Executive Director and CEO.
After conducting a comprehensive member survey this spring, OhioNet used member feedback to ensure the new website highlights key services and member benefits, while still remaining easy to navigate. The OhioNet team will keep members updated throughout the transition to the new website. Stay in touch with us online for more information about upcoming trainings, eResource offers, and more: @OhioNet.
About OhioNet
OhioNet is a membership-driven organization serving libraries and information centers of all types and sizes in Ohio and surrounding areas. OhioNet began in 1977 with 103 members and has since grown to serve more than twice that number.
Through learning opportunities, technology solutions, collaborative purchasing, and strategic connections, we support our members’ efforts to meet the needs of the diverse communities they serve.