Subject Analysis Content Coming in November
Subject analysis—or determining the about-ness of an item—is a critical area for library staff members to understand. Subject analysis allows us to collocate related items and helps us foster serendipitous discoveries for our community members. If you work with managing cataloging records, both the in-person workshop and online webinar series will walk you through the steps needed to understand, assess and edit existing subject records. Choose your preferred format and sign up today! All subject analysis sessions will be led by Misty Alvaro (Upper Arlington Public Library)
Fundamentals of Cataloging: Subject Analysis for Copy Catalogers Workshop*
Tuesday, November 12, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM (with an hour-long break for lunch on your own)
*In-person attendees only, no recording will be available.
CEUs: 5
Fundamentals of Cataloging: Subject Analysis for Copy Catalogers Webinar Series
Overview of Subject Analysis for Copy Catalogers
Tuesday, November 19, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
CEUs: 2
Subject Analysis Tools for Copy Catalogers
Tuesday, December 3, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
CEUs: 2
Subject Analysis Suggested Workflows
Tuesday, December 10, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
CEUs: 2