Copyright Under Quarantine: An Open Q&A Session on 5/7
You asked, we listened! Join us for “Copyright Under Quarantine: An Open Q&A Session” on Thursday, May 7. This is a free webinar, open to all library staff working in Ohio!
Our current circumstances are complex and dynamic, and libraries of all types are doing their best to respond to the needs of the diverse communities they serve. Our copyright trainer, Carla Myers (Miami University), is again offering her expertise to discuss ideas, options, and best practices. This online event will be an open-ended, attendee-driven Q&A session focused on copyright questions for our current climate.
Have a question you’d like to see addressed during the webinar? Please use this form to submit questions for consideration.
This event is part of our Preservation & Access Training Track. Online registration for “Copyright Under Quarantine” is available here.
Can’t make it in real-time? Sign-up to receive a link and view the recording of our online sessions at your convenience. Check out other upcoming opportunities on our website: https://www.ohionet.org/training-calendar.