Explore Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion with OhioNet and the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio
Our series of sessions on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) with SHIFT Consulting continues in this fall with two webinars that delve into specific dimensions of inclusion: exploring the impact of socio-economic status on 9/15 and examining diversity in faiths on 11/10. Looking for more in-depth discussions on these concepts? Check out our two-part live learning event, starting on December 1, that introduces the concept of bias and how it can impact our communication with others.
To ensure a safe and open learning environment for these complex topics, neither of these two webinars will not be recorded and will not be available as part of our Training Archive. Additional details and links to register for all these events, and more, can be found on our Training Page.