Free Exploring Our Statewide Resources Series Continues
Our series of freely available webinars open to all library staff members working in Ohio continues this fall with two sessions that feature resources available at libraries all across the state. This pair of sessions will be led by veteran EBSCO trainer, Joe Ceterski, with suggestions and usage scenarios provided by Sara Churchill (Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County). Click the title links for more information and to register.
Exploring Our Statewide Resources: Quick Research Reference Sources
As the new academic year gets started, library staff members working in all kinds of communities will find themselves coping with the annual onslaught of requests for help starting a research project or paper. Check out this set of three great resources that can help: Biography Reference Bank, Literary Reference Center, and Science Reference Center.
Tuesday, September 10 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Exploring Our Statewide Resources: Hobbies and Craft Reference Center
Support your local makers, crafters, and the creative “gig” culture by learning more about a fantastic resource—the Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center—that offers ‘how-to’ instructions, creative solutions, and useful life-hacks to meet the needs and interests of virtually any hobbyist.
Wednesday, November 6 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM