OhioNET Training Archive update: What’s New & What’s Leaving
The OhioNET Training Archive — a repository of the last 12 months of recorded webinars and professional development resources — is open to all staff at any member institution. Check out the list below to see what recordings were added in April and May and what will be expiring from the Archive between June and August.
To access the Training Archive and Handouts Page, you will need an individual user account through our website. Sign up for an account here or access the archive directly with an existing account.
What’s New (Titles Added in April and May)
- Copyright in Action: Fair Use Myths and Misconceptions (4/1)
- Fundamentals of Cataloging: Overview of Serials Cataloging (Session 1) (4/6)
- Fundamentals of Cataloging: MARC for Serials Cataloging (Session 2) (4/13)
- Fundamentals of Cataloging: RDA vs AACR2 for Serials Cataloging (Session 3) (4/20)
- Online Database Overviews: HeinOnline (4/22)
- Newspaper Digitization 101 (5/4)
- Online Database Overviews: Points of View Reference Center (5/6)
- Introduction to ConsortiaManager (5/11)
- Intentionally Intersectional: Feminist Programming in the Library (5/27)
What’s Leaving Soon (Recording Expires on Dates Listed)
- Copyright in Action: Understanding Section 108 – The Reproductions in Libraries Exception (6/10/21)
- Veteran Outreach Programs Benefit Your Community and Your Library (8/4/21)
- Copyright in Action: Creative Commons Licensing (8/12/21)
- Shout it from the Rooftop Create Engaging Annual Reports (Session 1) (8/19/21)
- Online Database Overviews: AIP Publishing (8/24/21)
- Shout it from the Rooftop Create Engaging Annual Reports (Session 2) (8/26/21)
- Shout it from the Rooftop Create Engaging Annual Reports (Session 3) (9/2/21)
- Shout it from the Rooftop Create Engaging Annual Reports (Session 4) (9/9/21)