OhioNet Training Update – new events added for 2023!
The calendar year is winding down and we’re wrapping up our presentations for 2022 over the next few days. For directors and managers, we have a webinar on creating sustainable copyright policies that work for your library and your community on 12/13. If you’re looking for hands-on practice assessing and modifying subject headings, sign up today for our live learning event (LLE) on 12/14. Please note that real-time attendance is required for LLEs and they are not available in the Training Archive.
After a few weeks off for the holiday season, we’ll be right back at it with new events—including the return of more in-person workshops! Join us on 3/22 at our new location on Polaris Parkway for the Bias and Micro Messages workshop where attendees will learn how their own identities shape their experiences and impact their interactions with others. Or register today for our next in-person Conversations Worth Having for Library Leaders event on 6/7 to explore how effective communications are key to strong relationships and high performing teams. Can’t make it to an in-person event? We’re offering Conversations Worth Having for Library Leaders as an online live learning series beginning on 2/2.
Finally, in response to your feedback, we’ve just added two new advanced webinars for those looking for more in-depth advice on copyright issues for digitization projects and for interlibrary loan services. Registrants should review the pre-requisite archived sessions listed on each event description page. As always, you can visit our training page for a full listing of all our upcoming professional development and continuing education opportunities.
Last Chance –
Creating Sustainable Copyright Policies
Learn how to craft copyright policies that work for your library and your community. This session is aimed at directors, managers, and individuals with a voice in creating organizational policies.
Register here for our upcoming Creating Sustainable Copyright Policies webinar on Tuesday, 12/13 from 2:30-4 p.m..
Modifying Assigned Subject Headings
Get a hands-on review of our recommended copy cataloging processes for verifying Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and practice searching for, evaluating, and modifying subject heading information through this live learning event.*
Register here for our upcoming Modifying Assigned Subject Headings live learning event on Wednesday, 12/14 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
*Real-time attendance is required for live learning events. They are not recorded and will not be available in the Training Archive.
Just Added –
Digitization Projects & Copyright Considerations
Explore what protections are offered under U.S. copyright law that libraries can take advantage of when digitizing materials—for access, for preservation, and more.
Register here for our upcoming Digitization Projects & Copyright Considerations webinar on Wednesday, 1/25 from 2:30-4 p.m..
Conversations Worth Having for Library Leaders LLE
Learn how you can tackle common issues like employee disengagement, dysfunctional teams, high turnover and more by making sure you’re having Conversations Worth Having in this four-part online live learning event.
Register here for our upcoming Conversations Worth Having for Library Leaders on Thursdays, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, and 2/23 from 10-11:30 a.m.
Copyright Options for Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loan of resources is an important service provided by many libraries. Learn about your options (and limitations) under the law and better understand the best methods for connecting your community with the materials they need.
Register here for our upcoming Copyright Options for Interlibrary Loan webinar on Tuesday, 3/21 from 2:30-4 p.m..
Bias & Micro Messages Workshop
Improve your communication skills and raise your awareness of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion issues with this hands-on, in-person workshop at OhioNet led by the specialist trainers of SHIFT Consulting at the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio.
Register here for our upcoming Bias & Micro Messages in-person workshop on Wednesday, 3/22/23 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (with bonus virtual module on Monday, 4/17 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)
Conversations Worth Having for Library Leaders Workshop
Learn how you can tackle common issues like employee disengagement, dysfunctional teams, high turnover and more by making sure you’re having Conversations Worth Having at this in-person workshop.
Register here for our upcoming Conversations Worth Having for Library Leaders workshop on Wednesday, 6/7 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m (with bonus virtual module on Wednesday, 6/14 from 10-11:30 a.m.
As always, contact us with any questions you might have!