OhioNet’s Strategic Action Plan
As OhioNet approaches 50 years of service to Ohio libraries, we commit to engage, empower, and evolve for a stronger library community. Our Strategic Action Plan (see below) was informed by conducting an environmental scan and engaging with stakeholders via survey and discussion that included members, staff, and key partners from October 2024 to January 2025.
The action plan exemplifies an innovative, emergent approach. Rather than plotting a multi-year plan before the needs of the future are fully understood, each year we will set specific, intentional initiatives to achieve the foundational goals outlined here.
This emergent approach also allows us to remain deeply engaged with our members, which is a key goal of our plan. OhioNet is a consortium supported by, and in service to, our members. Now more than ever, there is power in our bond as a consortium. We look forward to connecting with you as we face the dynamic future together.
Engage with our members to build relationships and mutual understanding.
- Foster connections with and among our members.
- Deepen our understanding of member needs.
- Raise awareness of our services and resources.
Empower our members to maximize their impact and do their best work.
- Provide innovative development opportunities.
- Serve as a partner to overcome challenges.
- Cultivate strong partnerships for shared success.
Evolve our organization to thrive in a dynamic future.
- Review and revise our organizational framework.
- Create a sustainable financial management strategy.
- Refine services to support emerging member needs.