Share Your Copyright Questions –Tune in 6/12 for Answers!
As information professionals, we are on the front lines of answering questions and providing services that have copyright implications. Most of us have probably heard someone say, “it’s only one chapter/part of a song/movie clip,” right? Further our discussion of copyright by sharing your stories and questions about fair use and reuse of works. Attendees will have the opportunity to review the four factors of fair use, discuss ways they can (and can’t) be applied, and learn about best practices when serving patrons. Click on the title link below for more information and to register.
Copyright in Action: Fact or Fiction?-Myths about Copyright and Fair Use
Wednesday, June 12, 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Presenter: Carla Myers (Miami University Libraries)
Tell us about your real-life copyright and fair use questions or conundrums. Use our Copyright Q&A form. Submissions can be made anonymously and we’ll answer them during our session.