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Demystifying the EDS — Introduction & Overview

  • Vendor Resources
  • Webinar
  • 1.5 CE Hours


Many libraries have opted to subscribe to a discovery layer to help patrons uncover all the materials they provide through a single search interface. However, this adds a new layer of complexity when providing accurate information to your community about what your library has access to and how folks can find it. These systems require thoughtful implementation and maintenance in order to save the time of the user.

If you subscribe to the very popular EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) plan to attend this introductory session that will give an overview of the major EDS structures and include advice on important back-end configuration options. Attendees of this session will hear from EBSCO’s Lisa E. Jones, a Senior Trainer and EDS expert.

Attendees of this session will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn how Discovery works
  • Review key areas of control
  • Explore ways to customize searching options


This is a free event open to all library staff in Ohio at no cost.

Who Should Attend

Library staff who have responsibility managing access to (and discoverability of) e-resources or anyone with an interest in the topic.


Lisa E. Jones Senior Training Manager

Lisa E. Jones worked in both academic and public libraries for 14 years before joining EBSCO in 2010. As a Senior Training Manager with EBSCO, Lisa travels across the U.S., Eastern Canada, and the Caribbean. When she’s not traveling, Lisa works out of her home in New Orleans.